Investment Philosophy
At Marcellus, our Purpose is to make wealth creation simple and accessible by being trustworthy and transparent capital allocators.


Marcellus Investment Managers was founded in 2018 with the sole purpose of influencing efficient capital allocation in the Indian economy. We intend to achieve this by channelising household savings towards high quality Indian companies with long track records of clean governance and strong capital allocation. Our approach to portfolio management doesn’t just focus on delivering healthy returns to our investors but also aims to do so by taking relatively low risks. Marcellus’ core investment management team has been together for 15 years and their journey and learnings over the years underpin its investment management philosophy. Marcellus is licensed by SEBI to offer Portfolio Management Services (PMS with SEBI registration number INP000006183) and Investment Advisory (IA) services. Our flagship investment product is the Marcellus Consistent Compounders Portfolio Management Services (CCP). CCP’s investment strategy is to invest in a concentrated portfolio of heavily moated companies that can drive healthy earnings compounding over long periods with very little volatility. The PMS comes with attractive performance-based fee options which aligns our interests with that of the investor. Furthermore, it has one of the lowest cost structures in the PMS industry with no entry loads, no lock-in and no exit loads. For more details, please see our products page.
Marcellus Investment Managers
929, DBS Business Centre, Kanakia Wall Street
Andheri-Kurla Road, Andheri – East, Mumbai - 400 093
☎ +91-2262676872
Opening hours:Monday to Friday 9:30 am to 6:30 pm