Published on 18 Mar, 2020
India’s Kings of Capital – Part I: Uday Kotak
“Sometimes we are asked what it is we do all day – given we are not trading in and out of our holdings. One answer is that we are watching...

Published on 26 Feb, 2020
The Stock Price of a Company Tells You Nothing Useful
The P/E multiple of a stock has ZERO ability when it comes to explaining future share price movements in India. The same is applicable for P/B and...

Published on 19 Feb, 2020
How PSU stocks disprove the Efficient Markets Hypothesis
The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) posits that all stocks always reflect all available information in their prices, making it impossible to find...

Published on 30 Jan, 2020
Learnings from the Unravelling of Indian Pharma Industry
US FDA’s record warning letters to Indian pharma majors in the recent years, Katherine Eban’s hard hitting book on Indian pharma (ignoring the...

Published on 23 Jan, 2020
How the Nifty will change in the coming decade?
20 of today’s Nifty constituents are highly likely to be booted out over the next decade. We outline how you can identify the exits (relatively...

Published on 08 Jan, 2020
How Can the NBFC Sector’s Ongoing Slide be Reversed?
With the money market continuing to show reluctance in terms of financing NBFCs, the balance sheet of the sector continues to shrink with obvious...

Published on 24 Dec, 2019
What comes first – Strategy or Structure?
The former US Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld, famously said, “You go to war with the army you have, not the army you might want or wish to...

Published on 18 Dec, 2019
Parallels between investing and software development
At first glance, software development and investing seem to be poles apart. But we find a common and interesting thread in the process that...

Published on 10 Dec, 2019
Celebrating Marcellus with Two Creative Giants
As we complete a year of managing money in India, we celebrate two towering legends of the Indian music industry. Not only did RD Burman and AR...