Published on 24 Jun, 2020
The Most Damaging Myths in Indian Investing
Portfolio construction based on grandmothers’ stories and advice from snake oil salesmen means that the vast majority of affluent Indians have...

Published on 16 Jun, 2020
Inside the Mind Of the Indian Monopolist
All happy companies are different: each one earns a monopoly by solving a unique problem. All failed companies are the same: they failed to escape...

Published on 27 May, 2020
India’s Kings of Capital – Part II: Deepak Parekh
In part I of this series, we looked at how Uday Kotak has successfully steered the Kotak group over the past 35 years (read Part – I here). In...

Published on 22 May, 2020
Investing Through a Crisis: A Handbook from Marcellus Investment Managers
When stock markets crash during an economic crisis, the move to the bottom is usually so fast, that investors seldom get a chance to react in a...

Published on 13 May, 2020
Behold The Leviathan: The Remaking of Indian Capitalism
The 20 most profitable firms in India now generate 70% of the country’s profits, up from 14% thirty years ago. The rise of India’s networked...

Published on 22 Apr, 2020
Rx – A Dose of Scepticism
With communication tools becoming handier, investors are increasingly confronted with the challenge of navigating through the uncontrolled barrage of...

Published on 14 Apr, 2020
Reverend Thomas Bayes and a Big Buy Call on India
With most investors spending majority of their time reading and thinking about Coronavirus, it would be fair to say that their minds are now firmly...

Published on 01 Apr, 2020
Knowing the Unknowable…
…or how the free market messes with our minds. As we end Marcellus’ first full financial year with healthy absolute and relative returns, we are...

Published on 22 Mar, 2020
The Foundations of India’s Economic Recovery Are in Place
Four times in the last 40 years, a US recession alongside falling US bond yields and falling oil prices has been followed by a strong economic...