Corporate Details

Corporate Details
Contact details of the Principal Officer

Principal Officer : Saurabh Mukherjea
Contact No: +91 (0) 22 4880 9929
Email Id:

Registered office address: 102, First Floor, Boston House, Suren Road,
                                                              Near 'Western Express Highway' Metro Station,
                                                              Andheri East, Mumbai 400093,
                                                              India +91 (0) 22 4880 9929/918

For Investor grievances

In case you are not satisfied with the redressal, you can lodge a complaint at

Investor Awareness
Conflict Interest Policy
Grievance Redressal Policy
Marcellus Code of Conduct
Investor Charter PMS
Investor Charter for AIF Marcellus
Investor Complaint Status PMS
Investor Complaint Status AIF
Annual Returns
Annual General Meeting
Standard Operating Procedure for Centralized Mechanism for Reporting the Demise of an Investor